Frank Castiglia-Costello

Postive stories of Frank Costello for and from Lauropoli Italy residents

Noel Castiglia DNA results from Ancestry 2012 and 2013

Here are my DNA results from Ancestry for 2012 and redo in 2013 which is probably more accurate: Ciao Nico; 11-3-13
Here is the comparison: Looks more believable in 2013… went from 47% to 83% European. As both my Grandparents on my Mother and Father’s side were from near Cassano Ionio it figures.. and some probably from earlier in time from Greece peninsula..
How do yours compare??? If you have them?

2012 Results: Noel Castiglia

Southern European: 47%
Persian/Turkish: 41%
Middle East: 09%
Uncertain: 03%

2013 Results:
Africa: 02%
trace regions:2%
America: 00%
Asia: less than 01%
trace regions:1%
Europe: 83%
trace regions:03%
Pacific Islander 00%
West Asia: 14%
Near East:10%
Trace regions:4% ____

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Pretty Cool. Did they give you more info, Like who you match on ? I would love to do mine as well, Just want to make sure it is worth the money!

Jennifer... I was curious as both my Grandparents on my Father and Mother's side were from Cassano Ionio area.. Lauropoli, Francavilla Marittima or Villapiana.. all very close by.  Not sure there are not better tests out there for the cost as the technology is changing at lightning speed.. Today the human genome about 400 million strands can  be mapped with two chips with 300Million wells for about $300 or so.  In this case I do not know how many markers were used.  Check out their website..  I did get about 30 match for 5th to 9th cousins and one from 3rd cousin who I contacted via ancestry email but did not get a reply.  I would also check with Nick Bloise who is my 5th cousin, and I believe Robert Golden's 3rd cousin, and a professional geneologist and lives in Sacremento whose family is from many generations in Cassano Ionio area.  I paid $199 for mine and now it is down to $99.  The male gene can be traced on both Father and mothers side while the female has the maternal line only.. FYI.. according to my understanding..Ciao Noel .. 

If you want to get in touch with Nick Please send me an email so I will connect you..

Jennifer Yes I recently got mached with cousin Flora McCoy one of Franks sisters decendents. And last week with a cousin on my Mom's side DeLeo-DelRosso. Pat Costello Davis who believes her Dad maybe Franks chid just submitted her DNA for a check with either mine or Flora's. Results TBD as of Feb 17, 2016. Noel
Jennifer Hemion said:

Pretty Cool. Did they give you more info, Like who you match on ? I would love to do mine as well, Just want to make sure it is worth the money!

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